Specialized Labs

Genova Diagnostics

  • GI effects Stool Testing
  • NutraEval Nutrition Testing
  • Rhythm Plus Hormone Testing
  • Cortisol Awakening Response (C.A.R)

Mosaic Diagnostics

  • Organic Acids Testing
  • Mitochondria Deficiency
  • Mycotoxins
  • Environmental Toxins

Real Time Labs

  • Organic Acids Testing
  • Mitochondria Deficiency
  • Mycotoxins
  • Environmental Toxins

Designed Just for You

Environmental Toxins

We order specialized labs, interpret the results, and create targeted treatment plans

  • If you lived in a home with mold or water damage, you may have physical symptoms of mycotoxin Illness
  • Symptoms include: sinusitis, headaches, joint pain, visual changes, inflammation, brain fog
  • We can order the following tests to assist with Diagnosis of your symptoms:
    • Mycotoxin Illness
    • Environmental Toxins
    • Organic Acids
    • Heavy Metals
    • 28 day saliva hormonal health
    • cortisol
    • comprehensive nutrition analysis
    • Stool testing for parasites, bacteria, virus

Specialized experience

specialized treatment plans

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