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⛰ I volunteered in the medical tent at the finish line for Western States 💯 … .
Was hoping for some extreme medical cases to treat 🤕 but 😀 no one needed it!!

Most avoided using ibuprofen during the race as well!!! 👍
However as I spoke with runners who finished the race, the most common missing link was a strategy for their recovery nutrition.
I was so surprised since it seems like sports dietitians are always talking about RECOVERY! Whey protein powders consumed after training has become one of the most “normal” routines for any athlete the past decade. To think how much these runners spend training to achieve the necessary adaptation to finish the race – the key strategy to keep them training every day – is their RECOVERY NUTRITION!!
If this is practiced on a daily or weekly basis it would be a no brainer on race day. After daily training but most importantly after running 100 miles, the amount of inflammation, lean mass breakdown and general cascade of oxidative response is off the charts.

Those of you I saw limping out of medical, know what I am talking about 😫
Even if you are nauseous and have no appetite you must take in small amounts of easily absorbable protein that is highly bioavailable! Sorry vegans but whey is best for this due to the leucine (or fortified vegan protein powders).. and glycine in the form of collagen.
Start your recovery Immediately! 💪🍽
It’s understandable considering the logistics of getting to the start line, preparing drop bags for aid stations, organizing crews, taking care of niggles, aches & pains….
💡But: if it’s practiced on a regular basis after usual training runs, it will become just another bag of food to pack without much to think about!