Sports Nutrition for Triathletes

“Nutrition is the Fourth Pillar of Triathlon.”

  • Do you have a solid training plan but notice your energy levels are up and down during the week?
  • Do you think your recovery food plan isn’t supporting your training?
  • Trying to lose weight while preparing for your event?
  • Heard about low carb and thinking about “cleaning up your diet” but not sure where to start?

We answer all these questions while creating an individualized fueling plan for your daily needs and training.

There is a lot of “dietary dogma” when it comes to physiology, metabolic efficiency, and the utilization of carbohydrate and fat during endurance exercise. Fifteen years ago, carbohydrate was king. Since then, top researchers (e.g. Jeukendrup, Burke) in endurance sports science have looked at high fat versus low fat diets, and measured performance markers (not time to exhaustion), after placing “trained” athletes on different diets. The conclusion is that there is a lot of gray and no exact answer, just like the rest of nutrition and physiology.

However, there is a time and place to utilize a variety of high, medium and low carb diets in combination with different grams of fat intake per day. It depends on your current food intake, biology/physiology, training status, crossover point, and aerobic fitness.

The body responds favorable to consistency in food intake and training.

General Outline of Training & Race Day Fueling Plans:

Part 1:

  • Review Training in Training Peaks or other workout log
  • Measure sweat race and calculate ideal volume of fluid intake specific to the race duration
  • Practice use of different concentrations of carbohydrate sports drink
  • Practice use of different concentrations of electrolyte beverages
  • Test variety of carbohydrate forms (bar, gel, blok, chew, beverage) and sources of carbohydrate (fructose, sucrose, glucose)
  • Recommendations are specific to the race course and environment.

Part 2:

  • Create 3 – 4 macronutrient goals specific for four different types of workouts
  • Athlete implements change in daily food plan according to workout

Part 3:

  • Feedback and recommendations on implementation of daily food plans
  • Feedback and recommendations for pre/during/post fueling
  • Test in training and review

Working Together:

  • 1 x 30 min. zoom during service
  • 2 x 30 min. calls during service
  • Email /text response 48 hours.
  • Expertise of a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics and triathlete applying evidence based fueling protocols

Timing: Custom fueling and hydration plans require time to practice and implement, so we recommend starting this service at least 6 weeks out from either your “A” race or your highest volume weekend.

Cost: $395/service

  • Service duration is 4 weeks on average; This includes 1 test fueling plan, 1 race day fueling plan
  • Sign up for three months during initial payment, and save 10%
  • Email [email protected] to find out if we are currently accepting new clients!
  • Insurance does not cover sports nutrition or general nutrition counseling without a Medical Diagnosis by a Medical Provider. If you are diagnosed with a medical condition, ask your Medical Provider for a referral to a Registered Dietitian. We do not accept insurance, but can provide a Superbill for you to submit with the Medical Provider’s referral.